Open League
Highest team score: 477 by Wareham Legionaires at the Wareham Legion, 25-10-24
Highest hand: 84 by Patriots at the Goldies, 31-10-24
Highest individual score: 76 by Jon Arnold of Swan Abbots at the Victoria Hotel, 19-9-24, and by Mike Jeans of Wareham Legionaires at the Wareham Legion, 25-10-24.
Biggest stick up: 24 by Marc Swain of Steamers at the New Inn, West Knighton, 5-9-24
Ladies League
Highest team score: 373 by Vixens on alley two at the Trinity Club, 14-09-24
Highest hand: 63 by Woodpeckers at Tom Browns, 22-10-24
Highest individual score: 55 by Clarie Chandler of Woodpeckers at Tom Browns, 24-09-24
Biggest stick up: 14 by A Bainbridge of Hot Cheese Stampers on alley on at the Trinity Club, 22-10-24