Author Archives: Terry Gosney

Funseekers – sticker up

Funseekers require a sticker-up for the 24-25 season. They play home matches on a Wednesday at the Colliton Club. For more details please contact the league’s fixture secretary Terry Gosney.

Chris Whitefield Wedding Photography

All of the photos from this years Presentation Evening can be found by clicking on the Photo’s & Press Cuttings in the menu at the top of this web-site and then navigating down to Presentation Evening 2024. All photo’s were kindly supplied by Chris Whitefield Wedding Photography.

Presentation Evening 2024

A big thank you to Dorchester Mayor Alistair Chisholm who presented the trophies at the league’s presentation evening. Alister was presented with a bouquet of flowers by our Vice Chair-person Sally Childs-Slade for his partner who unfortunately could not be present.

All photos were taken by Chris Whitefield Wedding Photography, as always a big thank you to Chris.

Thank you to the Trinity Club and all of it’s staff for their hospitality, the security team on the door and Sound Star for the entertainment.

Thank you to our committee for all their hard work throughout the season and on making sure Friday ran smoothly.

Lastly thank you to all of you skittlers who supported the evening. Enjoy your summer and we’ll see you all back on the alley for the 24-25 season.

Start time

Please would all captains be reminded of rule 14

Games shall commence between 8.30 p.m. and 8.45 p.m. Any team short of players must commence the game with the players available. If there are no representatives of a team present on the alley by 8.45p.m. that team will be deemed to have cancelled and the match awarded to the opposing team.

History pages

Check out the history pages on the website. This is an ongoing project which will be updated to give you all an insight on the past history of the league. If anyone can help with any missing teams/years or mistakes please contact , especially any information about league winners from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s as the skittle fixture books only started putting in the previous seasons tables from 1980.

Social media

The Dorchester & District Skittles League accepts no responsibility or liability in respect of any material relating to Dorchester skittles posted by any team or person on social media.

Stickers up

It is the responsibility of both captains to ensure that the stickers up operate in a competent and safe manner at all times. The use of mobile phones, ipads, headphones etc whilst the game is in progress is not permitted.