Author Archives: Terry Gosney

Section D – end of an era

At the AGM on Friday it was confirmed that Section D would be disbanded for the forthcoming season. With four small sections in the Open League since the league restarted after Covid, the committee felt that we needed to give skittlers a decent amount of games and also insuring that venues with alleys within our league get us much custom from our matches as possible, in the hope that we can keep as many alleys as we can still in use in the future. A year ago we had the plan of moving the Ladies League into Section D, this would have been based around four sections of 14 teams. But neither Section D teams or the ladies teams were overly keen on this idea, and some teams indicated that they would not enter if this went ahead, so the committee withdrew this option as we did not want to lose any teams.

So with the 46 teams we have at present in the Open League, the ideal solution of four sections of 14 teams is unworkable, so we had the choice to leave it as it was last season with only 20 games for teams or to  go back to 16 in three sections and give you a full season of skittles, the last time we based the sections around 16 teams was only back in the 2016-17 season, so it’s really nothing new. Although some of the concerns raised at the  AGM have been noted and will be looked at over the season.  

1963 was the first year of Section D, with Stragglers from the Plume of Feathers the first winners. Over the years most of today’s teams would have started in Section D or would have passed through it on their way up from Section E.

If this is the end of Section D then Strugglers from the Goldies will be the last winners.

Here is a pick of some of the past winners that still remain in our league in some shape or form

1974 – Untouchables

1979 – Muckspreaders

1980 – Skimmers

1982 – New Inn Yokels

1985 – Milborne Woodmen

1986 – Bladen Breakaways

1987 – Puddletown Wanderers

1991 and 1992 – Puddletown Imps

1993 – Wide Boys

1994 – Hartstoppers

1997 – Patriots

1998 and 2016 – Jokers

2001 and 2013- Misfits

2002 – Merrymen

2003 and 2024 – Strugglers

2005 and 2010 – Swan Abbots

2006 – Allsorts

2007 – Half Pints

2011 – Greyhound Essentials

2012 – Top Pins

2019 – Wareham Legionaires

2022 – Plodders

2023 – Alcotops

AGM, a brief round up

The AGM was held at the Colliton Club on Friday evening, here is a brief round up of the main rule changes and other topics.

League fees and the cost of entering the competitions remain the same as last season (please support the singles, pairs, etc in the forthcoming season)

Adam Barnes has joined the committee with Harry Ackerman stepping down.

As of the 24-25 season no team shell be able to have a home night on a Monday in the Open League.

There will no longer be play-offs to decide section winners, teams finishing level on points will be decided by their head to head record against each other during the season.

The rules for the new format that has been used for the Singles has been updated and can be found by clicking the Rules section at the top of the website.

Section D has been disbanded, while the Ladies League will continue with five teams for the forthcoming season. But unfortunately it has been confirmed that this may well be the final season for the Ladies League unless we get at least eight ladies teams entering for the 25-26 season.

The Open league will consist of three sections with 16 teams in Section A and 15 in Sections B & C, while the Ladies League has 5 teams who will play each other four times.

Hotshots and Wonder Woman have withdrawn from the league, while we have three new teams that will all be in Section C, Fifty Shades of Age, The Wafflers and Wingers.

The 24-25 season will start the week commencing Monday 26th August for the Open League and Monday 16th September for the Ladies League.

Chris Whitefield Wedding Photography

All of the photos from this years Presentation Evening can be found by clicking on the Photo’s & Press Cuttings in the menu at the top of this web-site and then navigating down to Presentation Evening 2024. All photo’s were kindly supplied by Chris Whitefield Wedding Photography.

Presentation Evening 2024

A big thank you to Dorchester Mayor Alistair Chisholm who presented the trophies at the league’s presentation evening. Alister was presented with a bouquet of flowers by our Vice Chair-person Sally Childs-Slade for his partner who unfortunately could not be present.

All photos were taken by Chris Whitefield Wedding Photography, as always a big thank you to Chris.

Thank you to the Trinity Club and all of it’s staff for their hospitality, the security team on the door and Sound Star for the entertainment.

Thank you to our committee for all their hard work throughout the season and on making sure Friday ran smoothly.

Lastly thank you to all of you skittlers who supported the evening. Enjoy your summer and we’ll see you all back on the alley for the 24-25 season.

Start time

Please would all captains be reminded of rule 14

Games shall commence between 8.30 p.m. and 8.45 p.m. Any team short of players must commence the game with the players available. If there are no representatives of a team present on the alley by 8.45p.m. that team will be deemed to have cancelled and the match awarded to the opposing team.

History pages

Check out the history pages on the website. This is an ongoing project which will be updated to give you all an insight on the past history of the league. If anyone can help with any missing teams/years or mistakes please contact , especially any information about league winners from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s as the skittle fixture books only started putting in the previous seasons tables from 1980.

Social media

The Dorchester & District Skittles League accepts no responsibility or liability in respect of any material relating to Dorchester skittles posted by any team or person on social media.

Stickers up

It is the responsibility of both captains to ensure that the stickers up operate in a competent and safe manner at all times. The use of mobile phones, ipads, headphones etc whilst the game is in progress is not permitted.